Workplace safety strategy and framework design

Workplace safety strategy and framework design

Workplace safety strategy and framework design


A good safety strategy will set the direction for your future state

A workplace safety strategy sets the direction for your future state. It focuses on what is important to you based on your needs and establishes what success looks like. A good safety strategy will align to your risk profile, prioritise focus areas based on risk and capacity and keep you on-track to achieve your goals.

A sound risk and safety management framework will provide a structure for success

Establishing a fit for purpose risk and safety management framework provides a foundation and structure to address risk, compliance, business needs and support the strategy. An effective framework will address the following areas:

  • Policy and commitment
  • Risk profile
  • Strategy and implementation
  • Consultation and engagement
  • Targeted risk management
  • Systems and processes
  • Induction, training and capacity building
  • Risk assessments and workplace inspections
  • Incident reporting and management
  • Emergency preparedness, crisis management and business continuity
  • Audit and assurance and reporting

We help businesses design and implement their workplace safety strategy and framework

We develop and co-design risk and safety strategies and frameworks in ways that engage your staff, capture key areas of your safety risk profile and deliver in a way that is simple to follow and aligned to your capacity. We also have the capability to assist you with progressive implementation.

Why co-design and staff engagement is crucial to successful safety strategies

Safety strategies are intended to protect businesses and their people so it makes sense to include, engage and co-design these strategies with the people they are intended to serve.

Although businesses often have the right intensions to establish fit for purpose strategies, they often do this in isolation and overlook this critical step which often results in:

  • Implementation challenges, delays or failures
  • Minimal uptake in identified risk control plans
  • Stakeholder disconnection, disengagement and silos
  • Inability to transition beyond compliance to a proactive and preventative state

Businesses that do prioritise engagement and co-design with their staff and key stakeholders benefit from a collective and consolidated input on safety priorities, management and control strategies. This approach fosters a positive connection with safety management and enables:

  • Targeted safety strategies to be established
  • Capacity building through inclusion
  • Increased likelihood of success
  • Proactive and preventative approaches to the management of safety risks

Workplace hazard and safety profiling will assist with informing and prioritising risks

Businesses that have a clear understanding of their hazard and safety risk profile are more likely to develop and implement a successful strategy. A safety risk profile guides your decision making, identifies risks and opportunities and enables you to prioritise and focus on what matters most.

We facilitate interactive workplace hazard assessments and safety risk profiling exercises and workshops. This is one of the simplest and best ways to engage staff, identify key risks and controls and establish focus areas to inform your strategy. We also have the capability to assist with your risk profile implementation planning and execution. See our workplace hazards and safety profiling page (insert link).

Keeping it simple, targeted and aligned to your capacity

A common challenge for businesses is keeping their strategy and framework simple, targeted and achievable. It is easy to get lost in the detail and over ambitious on deliverables and timelines, in fact, this is often what leads to minimal strategic traction or failure.

The best strategies and frameworks are progressive and aligned to the capacity of the business and its people, this requires careful planning, prioritisation of focus areas and a clear action plan to deliver of each of the focus areas which is supported by implementation monitoring to gauge momentum and effectiveness.

An effective risk and safety framework will consider what is already in place, the maturity and readiness of the organisation, compliance requirements and needs alignment. This will often result in a progressive development, implementation and continuous improvement cycle.


Our approach to risk and safety strategy and framework design

We deliver strategy and framework design programs and sessions with business leaders, departments and workforce stakeholders. The process is simple and includes the following:

  1. Identify your needs and the scope of the strategy and framework
  2. Identify key stakeholders and relevant departments
  3. Identify, understand and or facilitate workplace hazard and safety risk profiling
  4. Facilitate diagnostic discussions and review to inform focus areas
  5. Review current systems, processes and frameworks in place
  6. Correlate safety profile with diagnostic discussions and review to inform strategic focus areas
  7. Co-design a safety strategy, proposed framework and action plan
  8. Structure a targeted and progressive implementation process based on capacity

Achieving consistent and effective outcomes

The relatively simple and effective approach that we use means that a number of consistent outcomes are typically achieved, these include:

  • Strategic priorities are identified
  • Risk and safety framework needs are identified
  • Stakeholders are engaged and included in the process
  • A strategy on a page and proposed risk and safety framework is developed for the business
  • An action plan is developed to deliver on the strategy
  • Implementation is targeted, progressive and aligned to the capacity of the business

Leadership in risk, safety and management consulting

Simplifyrisk has worked with some of Australia’s most prominent organisations including the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, Netball Australia and the Australian Red Cross.

Our ability to simplify the complex, facilitate change and tailor our approach to our clients’ needs is what we are known for and the reason our clients continue to engage us.

Our staff are seasoned risk management, health and safety and management consulting professionals having worked across a wide range of business sectors for over 15 years.

Sector experience includes:

  • Government
  • Insurance
  • Agribusiness
  • Major events and sports
  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Marketing and entertainment
  • Not-for-profit and community
  • Telecommunications
  • Assets and facilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Roads and infrastructure
  • Construction

We pride ourselves on being flexible, affordable and timely in what we deliver.

Get in touch to arrange your business risk profiling session

Contact Simplify risk on 0417 895 215 or email to discuss our services in more detail or to arrange a readiness exercise.

More information and testimonials

If you would like more information, please get in touch. If you would like to see what other organisations have to say about working with the Simplifyrisk team, refer to our testimonials page